Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Shark Week megalodon lie ?

Beloved Discovery Channel Shark Week begins on Sunday, one that is smart promo hype. Shark Week at the opening of its professional ranks highest ever. But the network is also presented with a fictional show fake footage to audiences as literature, damaging his credibility for many of them.

Megalodon: Shark Monster begins life in his name because it is extinct shark. When he concluded, briefly showed this disclaimer:

The Lives of Monster Shark Megalodon

"The Megalodon: The Lives of Monster Shark (WT), Discovery Shark Week brings viewers on a search for the killer of the great white shark was responsible for the rash of deaths from the coast of South Africa A controversial scientist believe that megalodon shark may be responsible , 60 - Feet. compared with the great white is one of the largest and most powerful predators in history. oceans remain unexplored us 95%, and the large prehistoric predator always shrouded in secrecy, but after a wave of newly discovered evidence was government forced to examine whether these predators, long considered extinct, may still lurk in our deepest oceani.Ekipa scientist and shark expert examine the evidence. "